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DADS SEW: unicorn horn socks

DADS SEW: Ejler has been asking me to repair these unicorn socks for a while.  I finally figured out a way to do it.  1. scrap material (old chino pants) 2. trace and cut out circle with tab for attachment (add random green leaves from table) 3. cut slit in the circle and tightly twist into horn 4. sew up the seam, and from the top - sew around the horn making alternating stitches outside and inside the horn. 5. use the tab for attachment  
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That time the birds built a nest in front of our kitchen window

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Sticker Club Letter Template for PARENTS! DADS! GUARDIANS! & SIBLINGS!

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DADS PARENT: Teaching Consent to Children

How do we protect our children from danger and abuse?  On some level, no amount of precaution or protection will guarantee our children will never be hurt.  Having children is a risk, as Elizabeth Stone put it: “Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body”. As parents, we have to makes decisions  along the continuum between safety/security and danger/experience.  An extreme emphasis on safety stunts growth and development, i.e. helicopter parenting leads to emotionally stunted children.  While an extreme emphasis on experience with a high risk threshold can lead to injury or death.  Every parent has to decide what is best for their children, but one skill that will serve children throughout their lives while they navigate their own limits with risk and openness to experiences is “CONSENT”. Luckily, it is something that be easily learned though play.  As parents, we can demonstrate boundaries, e.g